Decadent Creamy Bourbon Rice Pudding

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Rice pudding is great comfort food. Bourbon, and bourbon-soaked raisins elevate this creamy, decadent dessert, making it outstanding.
Rice pudding, raisins, and bourbon on a table.
Rice pudding, raisins, and bourbon on a table.

Rice pudding is one of the simple comfort foods passed on from generations past. According to even CS Lewis, who apparently chose bourbon to be his liquor of choice, loved an honest rice pudding. Returning from a dinner party on a blustery night, he wrote of the dessert:

“What a typically female choice for a snowy evening – fruit salad! It wd. be cruel to ask for splendour in a poor society, but why not an honest rice pudding?”

Two Ways to Add Bourbon to Rice Pudding

There are two ways you can add the subtle, rich flavor of bourbon to this honest dish. One way is to add a tablespoon or two right at end of the recipe. The second, with a bit more intense flavor, is to add bourbon soaked raisins (recipe below). Of course, the true bourbon lover will do both!

How to Make Bourbon-Soaked Raisins

  • ½ cup raisins
  • 1 ½ ounces bourbon

To make the bourbon-soaked raisins, place raisins, and bourbon in a small pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Let simmer for about 30 seconds and then remove from heat and cover until ready to add to the rice pudding. Can be done ahead of time. The bourbon will permeate and plump the raisins.

Bourbon and raisins are all you need to make bourbon soaked raisins.

Bourbon Rice Pudding Ingredients

Arborio rice: An Italian short grain rice that's most commonly used to make risotto. Arborio rice has a high starch content that gives it a creamy taste and texture. You can use other types of rice, but Arborio rice has a creaminess from the starch that makes it a great choice for rice pudding.

Sugar: White sugar to add sweetness - this is a dessert. Adjust the amount to your taste. You could substitute some of the sugar with brown sugar.

Milk: Whole milk is best to get the creaminess we're looking for, but you could substitute 2%.

Vanilla: Use real vanilla, not artificial. You could also use vanilla bean paste, or even cut open half a vanilla bean pod and scrape the seeds into the pot.

Cinnamon: Grate a cinnamon stick for maximum cinnamon flavour, or use ground cinnamon if that's what you have.

Bourbon: I used Knob Creek because that's what I had available, and it's really good, but you can use any bourbon for this. Once you add the vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cream the bourbon flavour is not very strong, so there's no need to use a top shelf bourbon.

Raisins: You can use any type of raisin. This is a bourbon rice pudding so go ahead and soak those raisins in bourbon. It only takes a few seconds - see the directions above.

Whipping cream: Whipping cream adds a decadent, rich creaminess to this recipe.

If serving hot, substitute the last 1/4 cup of milk with the whipping cream.

If serving cold, stir in the whipping cream right before serving. 

Whole nutmeg: Grate some fresh nutmeg over each bowl when served.

Decadent, delicious bourbon rice pudding.

How to Make Bourbon Rice Pudding

(0 Reviews)
Rice pudding is great comfort food. Bourbon, and bourbon-soaked raisins elevate this creamy, decadent dessert, making it outstanding.
Total time
40 minutes
6 Servings
10 minutes
30 minutes


1 c arborio rice (Italian short grain)
1⁄2 c white sugar
1⁄4 t salt
4 3⁄4 c milk, divided (whole milk is best)
1 1⁄2 t pure vanilla
1⁄2 t cinnamon
2 T bourbon (or to taste)
1⁄2 c bourbon soaked raisins (optional)
1⁄4 c whipping cream (if serving warm)
  whole nutmeg (to grate over dish before serving (optional))


Add the following to a large saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil:

  • rice
  • sugar
  • salt
  • 4 1/2 cups milk

Reduce heat and simmer (covered) for 25 – 30 minutes. Stir every 5 minutes to keep from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Cook until most of the milk is absorbed . The pudding should still be creamy. Stir in:

  • vanilla
  • cinnamon
  • bourbon
  • raisins (optional)
  • remaining 1/4 cup milk (if serving cold)

Refer to Serving Suggestions (below) for hot and cold serving tips.

Serving Suggestion

Rice pudding can be served either warm or cold.

For Warm Rice Pudding

  1. Instead of adding the remaining milk, omit and add the whipping cream instead
  2. Grate whole nutmeg to taste on top

For Cold Rice Pudding

  1. Transfer to a bowl and press plastic wrap directly on surface of the rice pudding to prevent a skin from forming
  2. Refrigerate until chilled
  3. Before serving, stir in whipping cream
  4. Grate fresh nutmeg over the top of each bowl

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