The Rustic Peach Martini: Your New Cocktail for Summer

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The Rustic Peach Martini uses whipped cream vodka to add a silkiness to the perfect combination of peaches and bourbon.
Two Rustic Peach Martinis on a cutting board.
The Rustic Peach Martini.

Peach season is here! I do love to bake and create cocktails with the seasons. I also love peaches! If you already tried my Peach Bourbon Crisp or Vanilla Peach Scones with Bourbon Glaze, you also know that I believe peaches go nicely with bourbon!

Peaches and Bourbon, yes, please!

When on vacation, I bought a bottle of Veil Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka. What do you do when you have a new bottle you’ve never tried before? You create a new cocktail of course.

The Process of Creating a New Cocktail

It took a couple of attempts.

In round one, I muddled the peaches, strained out the peach pulp, and used the strained peach juice in the drink. (I was left with some alcohol-infused peaches that were yummy on ice cream)

For round two I left the muddled peaches in the drink.

Round three had us mixing the muddled peaches with soda water, however, friends felt that that took away from the taste of the peaches. They preferred it without the mix and the fizz.

At first, I tried a Peach Fizz-type drink with ginger beer, however, it tasted like a mule! Might post that one later, I do like a good mule!

Finally, I settled on the recipe below.

What to Name my New Peach Cocktail

Next, what to name it? This cocktail is a little like a martini, but not the classic martini dating back to the middle of the 19th century that consists of vermouth and gin, or even its cousin the Vodka Martini.

Liberties have been taken, as I subscribe to modern mixologists' thinking that martini just means a cocktail comprised of mostly hard liquor.

There is also the issue of the tasty peach pulp floating in the glass. Not really appropriate for a martini. I have to thank my friend Deb who suggested adding the word Rustic to the name, and the Rustic Peach Martini was born.

The Ingredients in the Rustic Peach Martini

Rustic Peach Martini Ingredients

Peaches – the star of the show. Fresh and in-season are a must.

Veil Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka – we do not have this available in Canada – you can probably substitute with a Vanilla Flavored Vodka, however, the whipped cream flavor adds a silkiness to this cocktail that gives it a rich, creamy flavor and a more luxurious mouthfeel.

Bourbon – choose your favorite mixing bourbon

Lemon juice – fresh is always best

Simple syrup – without the sweetness of a soda, I feel it needs a bit of sweetening. My husband prefers it without.

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The Rustic Peach Martini.

How to Make the Rustic Peach Martini

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The Rustic Peach Martini uses whipped cream vodka to add a silkiness to the perfect combination of peaches and bourbon.
2 Servings
10 minutes


1 peach (diced)
2 oz Veil Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka
2 oz bourbon
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz simple syrup


Chop the fresh peach into small cubes but reserve a couple of slices for garnish

Place diced peaches in cocktail shaker and muddle

Add bourbon and vodka and muddle some more

Add lemon juice and simple syrup and stir

Pour into two cocktail glasses filled with ice

Garnish with a peach slice and lemon slice and a small dessert spoon if you have one!



If you do not like a drink quite so rustic, you could puree the peaches with the lemon juice - one ounce of lemon juice per peach. Each peach makes two drinks. This could be done ahead of time and refrigerated. The drink will be less ‘chunky’ – Mixologist’s preference.

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